Winter Car Care | Auto Body | Madison WI | Auto Color

‘Tis the season that puts your vehicles at a heightened risk for mishaps that send you to a repair shop.

From a fender-bender to a serious crash, you have choices to make when scheduling your car repair. The cost of a visit to a Madison WI area auto body shop is one of them. Consider how much the repairs will add to the useful life of your vehicle before going with “it isn’t worth fixing.” Does the cost of repairs extend the life of your car beyond the time it would take to make up the same costs in car payments? Measure the cost in terms of value to you and your family, not just dollars.

Details To Understand Before You Need An Auto Body Shop

Everyone who owns a vehicle has to be aware of how the system works when there’s an incident. Brush up on these details, especially if you drive an older model vehicle:

  • Check your insurance coverage – every insurance policy has a deductible applied to repairs. The lower the deductible amount the higher premiums. Check your deductible and know how much of the repair costs are your responsibility.
  • Know the system – insurance companies have definite guidelines in place. Some direct policy holders to specific preferred shops for repairs and others leave the choice to you. An insurance-supported local body shop accepts pre-negotiated payments. These shops have been accused of cutting corners to make extra profit. Know who’s doing your vehicle repair work.
  • Record-keeping is critical – take good notes when the first place you visit tells you what  you need and what repairs cost. Ask questions if you don’t understand the process. Get an estimate of the time it takes and when the shop will start.
  • Get multiple estimates – insurance companies usually require at least two estimates. If you’re not satisfied, get more.
  • Understand your options – insurance companies are known to expect repairs to meet “like new” standards. Vehicles that haven’t suffered serious structural damage – bent frames, etc. – are worth repairing to a lesser standard depending upon how you use them. Structure and performance are higher priorities than appearance. How you proceed is your choice.
  • OEM vs. Aftermarket parts – OEM, original equipment manufactured parts, come from the auto-makers. They’re guaranteed to fit your vehicle. Today’s aftermarket parts or often as good or even better. OEM parts are usually more expensive and sometimes harder to get. Depending upon the extent of the expected repair, you may not have a choice.

Get Car Repair From Professionals You Trust

Whether you’re paying for all the repair costs or a small portion, have the work done by a team of professionals you trust. Auto Color provides a wide range of services to care for and repair your vehicles. Visit either of our two complete auto body repair shop locations in the Madison WI area – West on Parmenter Road in Middleton and East on Stoughton Road.

Call Auto Color Middleton at 608-831-9554 or Auto ColorEast Madison at 608-221-5041, or email us to enlist theefforts of skilled auto body shop technicians to provide timely car repair in Madison WI.

COVID-19 Information: We Are Open!
As an essential Business we will be open, repairing cars as always.
Call us or drop in – we are here to help.

West Madison 2610 Parmenter Street Middleton, WI 53562
East Madison 1850 S. Stoughton Road Madison, WI 53716
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